Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tagexdo of Blogger

Final Day - Final Thoughts

What is the top concept or most relevant piece of information you are taking away from this week of class or online class discussions? Will anything you have learned this week, change your classroom and if so, what? Explain your thoughts on technology integration and how you plan to incorporate it into your classroom or learning environment.
Have a good remaining summer and feel free to contact Joanne and I if you have questions after class is out.
Thanks for a wonderful learning environment and have a restful remainder of the summer.
Lisa & Joanne

Joanne's email: joanne.finnegan@cesu.k12.vt.us
Lisa's email: lbarry@etsd.org
I have learned so much in the last few days and am very excited about all that I've gotten into place already. It was great to have the time to set up the things I want to get into place. I have lots to do over the next two weeks to get things going with teachers and paraeducators. Thanks for all the information and I've learned a lot from others in the class. Thanks to Eric for fielding my constant annoying questions.
Joann and Lisa,
The set up of the class schedule was tremendously effective. If it were 5 days in a row, I would have been burned out and unable to continue to stay focused. One of the best parts of this call was that I was able to participate in peer teaching. People around me were happy to share their knowledge and expertise...which is what I need- Immediate feedback as I hit roadblocks. I am going into this year with more confidence to try a few things that will help both me and my students!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday - Day 4

Well, I can't believe that we only have one more day of class. Please share how the format the class has been for you? Has there been the right amount of instruction and time to work on your project? Do you feel you have had enough time to develop your project. How did the Wed-Th-Fri-Mon-Tue format work for you? Would you suggest keeping this type of schedule? Any other comments.... Thanks - Joanne and Lisa


Another alternative to Wordle


Saturday, July 31, 2010


Copyrite info was pretty shocking..like to follow that a bit more closely...starting to see the picture and seamless way incorporate in lessons..exciting new ideas in the class..enjoy the feel of the group and the time to explore.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Check out the other classes Blog


Here is a link to the last classes blog. I have given you permission to read, but not comment.

Friday - Yeah.....

Whew...... We have made it three days. Thank you for great discussions and being such amazing learners and soaking up some many of the new technologies and learning we have shared with you. Please respond and let us know if there is anything we haven't covered or heard us mention that you were hoping to get during class. Have a great weekend and relax and enjoy some time away from the Whew...... We have made it three days. Thank you for great discussions and being such amazing learners and soaking up some many of the new technologies and learning we have shared with you. Please respond and let us know if there is anything we haven't covered or heard us mention that you were hoping to get during class. Have a great weekend and relax and enjoy some time away from the technology. Share any other thoughts you may have about technology and your curriculum. Lisa & Joanne

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 2 - Thursday

What excellent Web 2.0 presentations this morning. Joanne and I really picked up some new things during them. Share something you are really interested in pursuing around Web 2.0 tools. Remember to start small and build on it. Great discussions about the many issues around the use of these tools and examples today. Please share any other questions you may have or comments about class today.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 1 - Wednesday

We will be asking you to reflect on each day in the blog so that you can get comfortable with blogs and how they are used. Wow!!! So much new material... So much to learn..... Share your thoughts on what worked well for you and suggestions for the rest of the week.